Monday, December 14, 2009

Home Economics

Maggie has been making Christmas presents with me in a joint effort this year. I'm so proud of her and happy that she's taken to sewing. I think after the first of the year, I will teach her how to cut out a pattern. I have been embroidering and she has been sewing. I can't say what we're making (for obvious reasons) but I'm so pleased with her efforts.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Homeschool Friday

Today, Maggie went with me to a client's home to since Christmas Carols and visit the girl. She is 15 and homebound and always says that Maggie is her best friend. It's probably true, since she doesn't get out much. I try to bring Maggie with me whenever I go on Fridays.

Maggie and I have made up a new schedule for us to do her work by. We were getting stuck and not getting enough work done each day because

Beyond the Code is the book we are starting to use for reading and I have ordered book 8 of Explode the Code for her to continue in phonics. Today she also read Little House in the Big Woods and read aloud to my client while I gave her massage. Both Maggie and client really enjoyed this.

When we came home, we set the timer for 30 minutes and Maggie worked on Bible. She wrote a story (which I haven't had time to read yet) about a girl living outside of Jericho in the time of Joshua. Maggie loves to write stories, so I'm looking forward to reading it.

She has been working on math for the last 45 minutes... and it's giving her fits. I actually am finding I understand math a lot better this time least for now.

More later. I have a client to see and she is going to put up the Christmas tree.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The habit of neatness

Today, the first thing we did was clean up Maggie's desk. She had been getting it messier and messier and finally I had had enough. I vacillate between making her be clean (in her room) and just saying "oh well, it's her room, I don't care" I have decided that I am going to have to get in there and clean...everything needs to come out and we will have to start from scratch...but that's not really about homeschool.

Today she cleaned her desk and now we are about to embark on a history lesson. I'm going to do part of it with her to get her started. We have to move along faster. Her work is very thorough, but takes her a very long time to complete.