Saturday, February 13, 2010

I found this photo laying on my table and thought I should scan it in. I am not sure how old I was when this was was taken, perhaps my mom can tell me, but I do know this was our house in Tulsa.
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Schoolwork on Saturday

Maggie just took a Language arts tests and did really well. She's now on the third unit and we're finally finding a rhythm. Unfortunately we'll be doing school work until the cows come home, but she might get a short break in the summer. all her work is first rate...she's just kind of slow getting it done sometimes.

Since it's snowing and not too pleasant out, we're doing school work this weekend. That way we can ride when the weather is nice.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day Mentality

We homeschool, therefore snow days should not matter, but they do. We have had such a hard time working today with the snow outside. This am Maggie was hooked on looking for a dachshund to adopt...the fact that she will be unable to have a dachshund for a long time wasn't important, she just was enamoured with pictures of puppies. I watched the news, so that was OK.

Then we had to go feed the horses before the weather got too terrible. we left the house at 11:40, and it snowed at least 2 inches while we were there feeding. Maggie built a snowman.
This afternoon we have been going over the quizzes that we had previously skipped. I had tried to block them out of the program with the promise should wouldn't have to do them if she got a good grade on the tests, but the program malfunctions when I block the quizzes, so we have been doing them together. Mostly, they are just time consuming, but I am now seeing that she needs to do the quizzes.

So, snow day's been really hard to do schoolwork today.